Ultimate CSS Selector Cheatsheet CSS Basic Selectors Name CSS Description Results Universal Selector * Select all elements Type Selector div Select elements of that typeSelect div elements Class Selector .c Select elements with that classSelect elements with the c class ID Selector #c Select elements with that idSelect elements with the c id CSS Combination Selectors Name CSS Description Results And Selector div.c Select elements that match all the selector combinations Descendant Selector div a Select elements that are descendants of the first element Direct Child div > a Select elements that are direct children of the first element. Development
Preloading responsive images This article gives me an opportunity to discuss two of my favorite things: responsive images and preload. As someone who was heavily involved in developing both of those features, I'm super excited to see them working together! Development
CSS - How add gradient over image How to add gradients to images without background-image or background in css style file Development
CSS Position Sticky - How It Really Works CSS position sticky has really good browser support, yet most developers aren’t using it. The reason for that is twofold: First, the long wait for good browser support: It took quite a long time for browser support to happen, and by the time it did the feature was forgotten. The second reason is that most developers don’t fully understand the logic behind how it works, and that’s where I come in. Development
CSS Selectors CSS Complex Selectors Selectors are one of, if not, the most important parts of CSS. They shape the cascade and determine how styles are to be applied to elements on a page. Up until recently the focus of CSS never really touched on selectors. Occasionally there would be incremental updates within the selectors specification, but never any real ground breaking improvements. Fortunately, more attention has been given to selectors as of late, taking a look at how to select different types of elements and elements in different states of use. Development
Bootstrap colors Bootstrap is supported by an extensive color system that themes our styles and components. This enables more comprehensive customization and extension for any project. Hugo
How to Properly Add JavaScripts and Styles in WordPress How to Properly Add JavaScripts and Styles in WordPress Do you want to learn how to properly add JavaScripts and CSS stylesheets in WordPress? Many DIY users often make the mistake of directly calling their scripts and stylesheets in plugins and themes. In this article, we will show you how to properly add JavaScripts and stylesheet in WordPress. This will be particularly useful for those who are just starting to learn WordPress theme and plugin development. Development
Remove Query Strings in WordPress CSS styles and JS Scripts When you’re optimizing your website, you’ve probably noticed a page speed score telling you to remove query strings from your CSS and JavaScript files in WordPress. Query strings are URLs that have either ? or &. But why do these appear in the URLs and what’s the cause? Actually query strings are used by plugin developers to push updates. The static resources (like CSS and JS files) are usually cached by proxy servers or CDNs. Development