Python Multiprocessing - Right Way

We will not write about what multiprocessing is. You can find many articles about what is multiprocessing .
Although cumbersome at first sight, multiprocessing does have several advantages. Keeping processes separated in their own virtual memory "cages" can actually help in debugging and avoids confusion. Once you sort out the intercommunication problem in a systematic way and avoid some common pitfalls, programming with python multiprocesses becomes a joy.
One frequent error is to mix multithreading and multiprocessing together, creating a crashy/leaky program and then conclude that python sucks. More on this later.
Some beginners prefer, instead of writing a proper multiprocessing class, to do things like this:
p = Process(target=foo)
This obfuscates completely what you are doing with processes and threads (see below). I have even seen people using multiprocessing.Pool to spawn single-use-and-dispose multiprocesses at high frequency and then complaining that "python multiprocessing is inefficient".
After this article you should be able to avoid some common pitfalls and write well-structured, efficient and rich python multiprocessing programs. This is going to be different what you learned in that python multiprorcessing tutorial . No Managers, Pools or Queues, but more of an under-the-hood approach.
Forking vs. Threading
Forking/multiprocessing means that you spawn a new process into your system. It runs in its own (virtual) memory space. Imagine that after a fork, a copy of your code is now running "on the other side of the fork". Think of "Stranger Things".
On the contrary, threading means you are creating a new running instance/thread, toiling around in the same memory space with your current python process. They can access the same variables and objects.
Confusing bugs arise when you mix forking and threading together, as creating threads first and then forking, leaves "dangling"/"confused" threads in the spawned multiprocesses. Talk about mysterious freezes, segfaults and all that sort of nice things. But combining forking and threading can be done, if it's done in the right order: fork first and then threading.
This problem is further aggravated by the fact that many libraries which you use in your python programs may start threads sneakily in the background (many times, directly in their C source code), while you are completely unaware of it.
Said all that, this is the correct/safe order of doing things:
- Import libraries that do not use multithreading
- Create interprocess communication primitives and shared resources that are shared between multiprocesses (however, not considered in this tutorial)
- Create interprocess communication primitives and shared resources that are shared with the main process and your current multiprocess
- Fork (=create multiprocesses)
- Import libraries that use multithreading
- If you use asyncio in your multiprocess, create a new event loop
Let's blend these steps in with an actual code:
# 0. import libraries that do not use multithreading:
import os, sys, time
from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe
class MyProcess(Process):
def __init__(self):
# 2. create interprocess communication primitives and shared resources used by the current multiprocess:
self.front_pipe, self.back_pipe = Pipe()
def run(self):
# 4. import libraries that use multithreading:
#from SomeLibrary import Analyzer
#self.analyzer = Analyzer()
# 5. if you use asyncio, remember to create a new event loop
print("MyProcess: run")
# start running an infinite loop
while True:
p = MyProcess()
# 3. fork (=create multiprocesses)
p.start() # this performs fork & starts "on the other side" of the fork
Remember that concept of code running "on the other side of the fork"? That "other side" with demogorgons (and the like) which is isolated from our universe is created when you say p.start()
The stuff that runs in that parallel universe is defined in the method run()
When creating complex multiprocessing programs, you will have several multiprocesses (parallel universes) each one with a large codebase. So, we'll be needing a "mental guideline" to keep our mind in check. Let's introduce a concept for that purpose:
Our multiprocess class shall have a frontend and a backend (not to be confused with web development!)
- Frontend is the scope of your current running python interpreter. The normal world.
- Backend is the part of the code that runs "on the other side of the fork". It's a different process in its own memory space and universe. Frontend needs to communicate with the backend in some way (think again of Stranger Things).
From now on, we'll stop talking about demogorgons, parallel realities and stick strictly to frontend and backend. Hopefully, you have made the idea by now.
The only things happening at the frontend in that example code are:
p = MyProcess() # code that is executed in MyProcess.__init__
p.start() # performs the fork
In order to avoid confusion, we need to differentiate between frontend and backend methods. We need a naming convention. Let's use this one:
Like this:
def run(self):
# 4. import libraries that use multithreading:
#from SomeLibrary import Analyzer
#self.analyzer = Analyzer()
# 5. if you use asyncio, remember to create a new event loop
# everything started from within run() is at the backend
while True:
def listenFront__(self)
i.e. listenFront__()
is a backend method.
Before we move on, one extra observation: multiprocesses are not supposed to be single-use-and-dispose. You don't want to create and start them at high frequency since creating them has considerable overhead. You should try to spawn your multiprocesses only once (or at very low frequency).
Multiprocessing Ping Pong
Next, let's demonstrate the frontend/backend scheme in more detail. We do a classical multiprocessing example: sending a ping to the multiprocess, which then responds with a pong.
The frontend methods are ping()
and stop()
. You call these methods in your main python program (aka frontend). Under-the-hood, these methods do seamless intercommunication between frontend and backend.
Backend methods listenFront__()
and ping__()
run at the backend and they originate from the run()
Here's the code:
# 0. import libraries that do not use multithreading:
import os, sys, time
from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe
class MyProcess(Process):
def __init__(self):
# 2. create interprocess communication primitives and shared resources used by the current multiprocess:
self.front_pipe, self.back_pipe = Pipe()
def run(self):
# 4. import libraries that use multithreading:
#from SomeLibrary import Analyzer
#self.analyzer = Analyzer()
# 5. if you use asyncio, remember to create a new event loop
print("MyProcess: run") = True
while = self.listenFront__()
print("bye from multiprocess!")
def listenFront__(self):
message = self.back_pipe.recv()
if message == "stop":
return False
elif message == "ping":
return True
print("listenFront__ : unknown message", message)
return True
def ping__(self):
print("backend: got ping from frontend")
def ping(self):
msg = self.front_pipe.recv()
print("frontend: got a message from backend:", msg)
def stop(self):
p = MyProcess()
# 3. fork (=create multiprocesses)
p.start() # this performs fork & start "on the other side" of the fork
print("front: sleepin 5 secs")
print("front: sleepin 5 secs")
Note that in the python main process, we use only the frontend methods (start, ping and stop).
So, we have successfully eliminated the mental load of needing to think about the fork at all. At the same time, the code has a clear distinction to and intercommunication with the forked process. We just need to think in terms of the frontend and backend and their corresponding methods.
One more pitfall
Let's imagine that, as your codebase grows, your code looks something like this:
import SomeLibrary
from YourLibrary import MyProcessClass1, MyProcessClass2
obj = SomeLibrary.SomeClass()
p1 = MyProcessClass1()
p2 = MyProcessClass2()
No threads before fork
SomeLibrary is just some library that you need in your code but is not used/related to your multiprocesses in any way. However, if that SomeLibrary uses multithreading under-the-hood (without you knowing about it), you have created yourself a big problem. Still remember what we said earlier? No threads before fork!!!As even just importing a library might silenty starts threads, to be absolutely on the safe side, do this instead:
from YourLibrary import MyProcessClass1, MyProcessClass2
p1 = MyProcessClass1()
p2 = MyProcessClass2()
import SomeLibrary # could start threads?
obj = SomeLibrary.SomeClass()
i.e. instantiate and start your multiprocesses before anything else.
If the logic in your program requires using multiprocesses "on-demand", consider this:
from YourLibrary import MyProcessClass1, MyProcessClass2
processes_1 = []
# start and cache processes
for i in range(10):
p1 = MyProcessClass1()
import SomeLibrary # could start threads?
obj = SomeLibrary.SomeClass()
# program needs a multiprocess
# call some frontend method of the multiprocess
# return multiprocess to the cache
# at the end of your program
for p in processes_1:
i.e., instead of creating and starting multiprocesses in the middle of your program, you create and start them at the very beginning and then cache them for future use.
Python multiprocessing testing and debugging tips
For test purposes, you can run your python multiprocessing classes without forking at all, by simply not using start()
in your test code. In this case you can call the backend methods directly in your tests/frontend, provided that you have structured your code correctly.
For python refleaks and resulting memory blowup issues you can use the following technique. Import the setproctitle library with
from setproctitle import setproctitle
In your multiprocesses run()
method, include this:
Now your process is tagged with a name, so that you can follow the memory consumption of that single process very easily with standard linux tools, say, with smem and htop (in htop, remember to go to setup => display options and enable "Hide userland process threads" in order to make the output more readable).
In this tutorial I have given you some guidelines to succeed with your python multiprocessing program and not to fall into some typical pitfalls. You might still have lot of questions:
- How to listen at several multiprocesses simultaneously at my main program? (hint: use the select module)
- How do I send megabytes of streaming data to a running multiprocess? Say, images and/or video (can be done perfectly, but not trivial)
- Can I run asyncio in the backend or frontend or both? (sure)
These are, however, out of the scope of this tutorial. Let's just mention that in the case (2) that:
- You would not certainly use pipes (they are not for large streaming data)
- Use posix shared memory, mapped into numpy arrays instead. Those arrays form a ring-buffer that is synchronized using posix semaphores across process boundaries
- You need to listen simultaneously to the intercommunication pipe and the ringbuffer. Posix EventFd is a nice tool for this.
I've done this kind of stuff in a python multimedia framework I've written. If you're interested, please see
That's the end of the tutorial. I hope it gave you some food for thought.
- I wrote an addinitional example, available here :
- Posix shared memory and intercommunicating with several multiprocesses (questions 1 & 2 above).
- Special interest for PyQt / PySide2 users: mapping slots and signals to a multiprocess.
- Handling multiprocesses from a multithread
resources and thanks
This article is taken from Sampsa Riikonen and original article is here