GNU Regex POSIX character classes Character classes are a feature introduced in the POSIX standard. A character class is a special notation for describing lists of characters that have a specific attribute, but the actual characters can vary from country to country and/or from character set to character set. For example, the notion of what is an alphabetic character differs between the United States and France. Linux Linux Utilities Bash
Regular Expressions Tutorial - part 1 - Basics of Regular Expressions What is Regular Expression Regular expression , regex, or regexp (sometimes called a rational expression) is special sequence of characters that define a search pattern (if you want a mask) for text strings. Regular expressions are used in search engines, search and replace dialogs of word processors and text editors, in text processing utilities such as sed and AWK and in lexical analysis. Many programming languages provide regex capabilities, built-in or via libraries. Linux Linux Utilities
Apache server - Terms Used to Describe Directives Apache server - Terms Used to Describe Directives Have you sometime a question what is url, url-path, file-path, regex, mime-type and more? The answer is in this article. We describe a basic terms used to describe apache webserver directives. Directives use a great number of different argument types. A few common ones are defined below. URL A complete Uniform Resource Locator including a scheme, hostname, and optional pathname as in http://www. Networking Web Servers