Hugo Markdown Syntax Both HTML and Markdown are supported content formats in Hugo. By default, Hugo uses Goldmark to render markdown to HTML. Files with the .md or .markdown extension are processed as markdown, provided that you have not specified a different content format using the markup field in front matter. Hugo
How Create Bootstrap Tables in Hugo Inspired by this discussion , I wanted the ability to style a markdown table with Bootstrap table classes . While this works fine, I wanted something that meets the following criteria: The table is defined in markdown It lives in the content file, e.g. content/post/ It’s styled with Bootstrap table classes Create css file with bootstrap tables You can create own css file with bootstrap tables definition based on original bootstrap 5 css file. Hugo
SSG Hugo Setup Hugo Config Print the site configuration, both default and custom settings. ~] hugo config archetypedir = 'archetypes' assetdir = 'static' baseurl = '' cachedir = '/tmp/hugo_cache_rrastik/' contentdir = 'content' datadir = 'data' defaultcontentlanguage = 'en' ... List all parameters from .Params {{with .Params }}{{printf "%#v " .}}{{end}} List of all Chroma syntax highlighter lexers Chroma is a general purpose syntax highlighter in pure Go programming language. sources: Chroma style gallery Chroma on GitHub List of all Chroma lexers Supported languages Hugo
Bootstrap Cards and Hugo Bootstrap’s cards provide a flexible and extensible content container with multiple variants and options. A card is a flexible and extensible content container. It includes options for headers and footers, a wide variety of content, contextual background colors, and powerful display options. Hugo
Bootstrap Cards notes shortcode use a css and javascript from bootstrap. I use a bootstrap.5.3.2 version now. download my bs-card-notes parameters: header [optional] - some header text title [optional] - some title text card-class [required] - name of card class from bootstrap project background and color color and background for set up font color and background color with one class border color - for set up only border color font-color-text [optional] - color for text in title and card body (not for car header) bootstrap text colors Background and color {{< bs-card-notes header="Note" title="Some title" card-class="text-bg-primary" >}} Some quick **example** text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's [content](/#). Hugo
Hugo and Bootstrap Tips with Examples Bootstrap - center text in image Django collapse - expand/collapse accordion use a css and javascript from bootstrap. I use a bootstrap.5.3.2 version now. download my mark and mark-code shortocdes (optional) download my shortcode usage: {{< bs-collapse-button header="Example" >}} **This is the first item's accordion body.** It is {{< mark-code >}}shown{{< /mark-code >}} by [default](/#), until the {{% mark %}}collapse{{% /mark %}} plugin adds the appropriate classes that we use to style each element. Hugo
Responsive card slider - Bedimcode Responsive Card Slider Using HTML CSS & JavaScript. It contains beautiful cards in dark mode and 3D images. Slider images with Swiper Js. Developed first with the Mobile First methodology, then for desktop. Compatible with all mobile devices and with a beautiful and pleasant user interface. Hugo
Hugo website SEO Hugo or your Hugo theme might provide some SEO components out of the box, but consider adding what it doesn’t, then tell google; bing and other search engines about your site. 1. Add SEO elements to your website See also about SEO elements -> Configuration By default Hugo or your Hugo theme will give you: A sitemap at /sitemap.xml: useful to submit to search engines like google ( see below ). Hugo
Hugo Fonts Sandbox Example texts with some fonts like Roboto, Nunito, Open Sans and another fonts from Hugo
HUGO Datatables Decimal Octal Hex Binary Value Description Carret notation Escape sequence in C 000 000 00 0000 0000 NUL "null" character ^@ \0 001 001 01 0000 0001 SOH start of header ^A 002 002 02 0000 0010 STX start of text ^B 003 003 03 0000 0011 ETX end of text ^C 004 004 04 0000 0100 EOT end of transmission ^D 005 005 05 0000 0101 ENQ enquiry ^E 006 006 06 0000 0110 ACK acknowledgment ^F 007 007 07 0000 0111 BEL bell ^G \a 008 010 08 0000 1000 BS backspace ^H \b 009 011 09 0000 1001 HT horizontal tab ^I \h 010 012 0A 0000 1010 LF line feed ^J \n 011 013 0B 0000 1011 VT vertical tab ^K \v 012 014 0C 0000 1100 FF form feed ^L \f 013 015 0D 0000 1101 CR carriage return ^M \r 014 016 0E 0000 1110 SO shift out ^N 015 017 0F 0000 1111 SI shift in ^O 016 020 10 0001 0000 DLE data link escape ^P 017 021 11 0001 0001 DC1 device control 1 (XON) ^Q 018 022 12 0001 0010 DC2 device control 2 ^R 019 023 13 0001 0011 DC3 device control 3 (XOFF) ^S 020 024 14 0001 0100 DC4 device control 4 ^T 021 025 15 0001 0101 NAK negative acknowledgement ^U 022 026 16 0001 0110 SYN synchronous idle ^V 023 027 17 0001 0111 ETB end of transmission block ^W 024 030 18 0001 1000 CAN cancel ^X 025 031 19 0001 1001 EM end of medium ^Y 026 032 1A 0001 1010 SUB substitute ^Z 027 033 1B 0001 1011 ESC escape ^[ \e 028 034 1C 0001 1100 FS file separator ^\ 029 035 1D 0001 1101 GS group separator ^] 030 036 1E 0001 1110 RS request to send/record separator ^^ 031 037 1F 0001 1111 US unit separator ^_ 032 040 20 0010 0000 SP space ^? Hugo