
Decimal Octal Hex Binary Value Description Carret notation Escape sequence in C 000 000 00 0000 0000 NUL "null" character ^@ \0 001 001 01 0000 0001 SOH start of header ^A 002 002 02 0000 0010 STX start of text ^B 003 003 03 0000 0011 ETX end of text ^C 004 004 04 0000 0100 EOT end of transmission ^D 005 005 05 0000 0101 ENQ enquiry ^E 006 006 06 0000 0110 ACK acknowledgment ^F 007 007 07 0000 0111 BEL bell ^G \a 008 010 08 0000 1000 BS backspace ^H \b 009 011 09 0000 1001 HT horizontal tab ^I \h 010 012 0A 0000 1010 LF line feed ^J \n 011 013 0B 0000 1011 VT vertical tab ^K \v 012 014 0C 0000 1100 FF form feed ^L \f 013 015 0D 0000 1101 CR carriage return ^M \r 014 016 0E 0000 1110 SO shift out ^N 015 017 0F 0000 1111 SI shift in ^O 016 020 10 0001 0000 DLE data link escape ^P 017 021 11 0001 0001 DC1 device control 1 (XON) ^Q 018 022 12 0001 0010 DC2 device control 2 ^R 019 023 13 0001 0011 DC3 device control 3 (XOFF) ^S 020 024 14 0001 0100 DC4 device control 4 ^T 021 025 15 0001 0101 NAK negative acknowledgement ^U 022 026 16 0001 0110 SYN synchronous idle ^V 023 027 17 0001 0111 ETB end of transmission block ^W 024 030 18 0001 1000 CAN cancel ^X 025 031 19 0001 1001 EM end of medium ^Y 026 032 1A 0001 1010 SUB substitute ^Z 027 033 1B 0001 1011 ESC escape ^[ \e 028 034 1C 0001 1100 FS file separator ^\ 029 035 1D 0001 1101 GS group separator ^] 030 036 1E 0001 1110 RS request to send/record separator ^^ 031 037 1F 0001 1111 US unit separator ^_ 032 040 20 0010 0000 SP space ^?
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