Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Browse this FAQ page to find answers to frequently asked questions that have not been covered elsewhere
in the documentation.

The answers have been categorized into two groups:

  1. Answers to general questions without any lines of code.
  2. Answers to technical questions with code snippets, step-by-step instructions, etc.

General questions

Do I need to have prior experience before proceeding with the Mainroad theme?

Yes. You'll need to be familiar with Hugo before proceeding.
Our docs section is intended for intermediate to
advanced users and developers. Our documentation may still be helpful to users with minimal experience, but are not

Do I need to use the extended version of Hugo?

No. Mainroad theme intentionally does not use any features of the extended version. As such, the extended version of
Hugo is not required (but applicable).

Is there a list of all possible configuration options?


Front Matter:

What if I have more questions? Should I create an issue?

We don't provide personal technical support. As stated in our
contributing guidelines , please do not use the issue
tracker for personal support. This includes reports like: “How do I do this", “Everything is broken; help me”, “I
changed something, and it doesn't work anymore”, “It's not a personal issue, but I just want to ask how X or Y works”,
“I forked your theme, then something broke; fix this immediately”, and so on.

The issue tracker should only be used for bug reports, feature requests, and discussions that comply with our
contributing rules
. All other issues will be closed and marked as invalid.

Technical questions

I want to get the favicon.ico and apple-touch-icon.png to match my hightlightColor. What should I do?

There is no way to do this on the fly with Hugo, but you can use the one-liners below with some preparations:

  1. Copy:
    • ./themes/mainroad/static/favicon.ico to ./static/favicon.ico
    • ./themes/mainroad/static/apple-touch-icon.png to ./static/apple-touch-icon.png
  2. At the beginning of each script, replace the color in the variable with your preferred color. You must use
    six-digit hex triplet notation (e.g., #E22D30) to make it work properly.

Go to the root of your project directory in the terminal and execute these two commands accordingly.

a=#E22D30;a=\\x${a:5:2}\\x${a:3:2}\\x${a:1:2};for i in 98 274 578;do printf $a|dd of=static/favicon.ico bs=1 seek=$i conv=notrunc;done
a=#E22D30;a=$(echo 504C54452A2A2A${a:1:6}|sed -e 's/../\\x&/g');printf $a|gzip|tail -c8|od -tx4 -N4 -An|xargs|sed -e 's/../\\x&/g'|printf $a$(cat -)|dd of=static/apple-touch-icon.png bs=1 seek=37 conv=notrunc

I want to use Google Programmable Search Engine as a site search engine. Is it possible?

Yes, it is possible to use Google PSE (CSE) as a site
search engine.

  1. Create a new search engine with Google PSE . Google account

  2. Add a new layout.

    Create file ./layouts/search/index.html with the following content:

    {{ define "main" }}
    <script async src=""></script>
    <div class="gcse-search"></div>
    {{ end }}

    Don't forget to paste your Google PSE ID.

  3. Add search page by creating file ./content/ with the following content:

    title: Search
    authorbox: false
    sidebar: false
    pager: false
  4. Optional. If you use the search widget, don't forget to change the search box parameters:

      url = "/search/" = false
      input.pre = ""

Google PSE (CSE) should work when it's done. Look and feel will be far from perfect, but you have to solve this problem
with Google PSE Control Panel and additional CSS.

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